Camp Bushido 2012

Camp Bushido 2012 was held at Old Oak Ranch outside of Sonora, CA Sierra foothills.  There were 55 judoka and jujituska in attendance for the five day camp coming from as far away as Alaska, Southern California, and Arizona.  DeLeon Judo Club had 12 students attend with Sensei Henry Kaku and Davin Tillman accompaning them. The featured guest instructor, Sensei Jim Pennington of San Jose State / Buddhist clubs fame, gave away great knowledge and his classes were high energy and vibrant.  Sensei Kaku is one of the regular instructors taught Seio Nage Techniques and Assistant Sensei Tillman had the opportunity to teach a class for the youths under 12.
One of the highlights was Professor Charlie Robinson arrival to teach for a day.  Sensei Robinso, the camp founder, announced that the camp was celebrating it’s 20th anniversary.  Although his health has been a challenge over the last two years, Charlie came and had his proxy Sensei Justin Breese demonstrate a series of judo techniques as taught to him by Sensei Mifune in Japan while studiying under Sensei Kotani.  It was great to have Sensei Charlie there and he had a great time.  Everyone loves Charlie.  Its was decided to establish an award in his name (“The Charlie”) and was awarded to Sensei Mark Guerrero for his service above self to judo and Camp Bushido.
Ryan Sorensen received a special recognition while at Camp Bushido, he was given the 2012 Camp Bushido “Spirit Award” for demonstrating the true spirit of Camp Bushido by having top class attendance, putting forth a positive and friendly attitude, training with respect and diligence and setting an example that others can follow.
In addition to the many Judo classes, the highlight for the kids was the Paint Ball game with Sensei Kaku and Sensei Guerrero heading the two teams to a paint ball battle.
Great training, nice weather, fun activities, lots of camp  food… summer, swimming, hanging out with old and new friends…  CAMP BUSHIDO 2012!!!